Kansainväliset tieteelliset lehdet

Tämän sivun linkkien avulla pääset tieteellisen unitutkimuksen kansainvälisiin julkaisufoorumeihin.

Sleep (Official Publication of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies)

Journal of Sleep Research (Official Journal of the European Sleep Research Society)

Sleep Medicine Reviews (Published by Elsevier. Publishes narrative reviews, systematic reviews and editorials covering area of controversy and debate, as well as areas of future research)

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (Published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The journal publicates papers with direct applicability and(or relevance to clinical practice of sleep medicine. Tärkeää! lehdellä on ‘open access policy with web availability to everyone after a delay of 3 months’)

Sleep and Hypnosis (The journal is a multidisciplinary journal, published quarterly by Küre Iletisim Grubu A.S)

Behavioral Sleep Medicine (The journal addresses behavioral dimensions of normal and abnormal sleep mechanisms and the prevention, assessment, and treatment of sleep disorders and associated behavioral and emotional problems)

Sleep and Biological Rhytms (The official English language journal of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research. The journal probes the mechanisms of sleep and wakefulness, publishing areas from basic science and all branches of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacology, to psychology, physical science, and engineering, as well as public health, occupational health and other branches of sociology).

Tärkeää: Seuraavat julkaisufoorumit noudattavat täyden ‘open access’ politiikan periaatteita:

Sleep Research Online (Published on behalf of the World Federation of Sleep Research Societies by WebSciences, which is a non-profit foundation whose purpose is to advance research and education in the biomedical sciences). (Sivuilla tuorein artikkeli on kuitenkin  jo vuodelta 2003. On mahdollista, että näiden sivujen kehitystyö on pysähtynty?)

PLoS Biology (A peer-reviewed open-access journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), a non-profit organaization committed to making scientific and medical literature a public resource. Vaikkei kysessä ole varsinainen unialueen lehti, julkaistaan siinä kuitenkin toisinaan uneen liittyvää perustutkimusta, joten sitä kannattaa seurata. Varsinkin kun lehdessä on tehokas hakukone, jolla nousee lukuisia artikkeleita hakusanalla ‘sleep’).

PloS Medicine (Edellä sanottu koskee myös tätä PLoS lehteä)

Journal of Circadian Rhythms An open access online journal published by BioMed Central. All aspects of circadian and nycthemeral rhythms in living organisms.