ESRS Newsletter March 2013

Kategoria: Ajankohtaista, Ei kategoriaa, Nostot, Unesta ja unihäiriöistä | Kirjoitettu tiistaina 26. maaliskuunta 2013

Dear ESRS Members,

It is my pleasure to deliver to you the March edition of the ESRS newsletter.

I would like first to welcome the numerous new members of our society. We are growing and we hope that this trend will continue in the future. The board and its collaborators are as you will see indeed working hard to promote Sleep Research and Medicine in Europe.

We would like to thank all the contributors to the letter as well as Brigitte Knobl who managed its edition.

This letter is filled with a large number of contributions starting with the letter of our President, reports from our committees and of the European networks, the Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS), and the announcements for upcoming events. It also contains the listing of the recipients of ESRS travel grant 2013. I would like to personally congratulate them. I’m convinced that it will give them a boost in their career.

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy reading these news, and we are already looking forward meeting you in Berlin next April for the second “Sleep and Breathing” conference.

We also would like again to encourage you to visit our website to register your lab. We are indeed still missing the majority of the labs in our database and this is crucial to be visible worldwide. You can also tweet with us now if you register on our homepage.

Finally, please feel free to communicate around you this newsletter and to encourage colleagues to become member to the ESRS. Last but not least, don’t forget to read and submit your papers to our Journal.

To free up your mailboxes, the newsletter is now provided to you by means of a direct download using the following link: .

For the ESRS board,

Pierre-Hervé Luppi
ESRS Secretary

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