The deadline for symposium proposals for the ESRS 2016 Congress is Thursday 15 October 2015!

Kategoria: Ajankohtaista, Ei kategoriaa, Nostot | Kirjoitettu maanantaina 12. lokakuunta 2015

Dear Madam
Dear Sir

The deadline for symposium proposals for the ESRS 2016 Congress is fast approaching with the closing date in one week, Thursday 15 October 2015!

The success of the ESRS Congress 2016 will again strongly be influenced by the symposia topics.
On behalf of the ESRS Board, we herewith cordially invite all members of ESRS to contribute to develop a high-level scientific programme by proposing a symposium for the 23rd congress of the ESRS with the call for symposia.
In order to submit your symposium, kindly read the guidelines carefully and proceed through the online submission system.

No other way of delivery, other than trough the online system, will be accepted.

ESRS 2016
We are looking forward for your submissions!

Congress Secretariat
c/o Congrex Switzerland Ltd.
Peter Merian-Strasse 80
4002 Basel / Switzerland

T +41 61 686 77 77
F +41 61 686 77 88

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