How to present sleep research to the general public

Kategoria: Ajankohtaista, Ei kategoriaa, Nostot, Unesta ja unihäiriöistä | Kirjoitettu torstaina 11. syyskuunta 2014

“How to present sleep research to the general public” –study group (“Yleistajuisesti unesta“ –opintopiiri)
The purpose of the study group is to boost up your presentation- and communication skills and to learn how to present your own research to the general public in an understandable and easy fashion. Sleep is a topic of which everyone knows something about and has personal experience. Sometimes this makes it difficult to conceptualize the basic concepts and distinguish facts from fantasy in the minds of the audience. Some of the questions during public lectures may even be very personal and difficult to answer based on your research experience only. Also when giving interviews and discussing with the journalists it is good to keep your head straight and avoid making too strong generalizations, which the journalist like in their search of catchy headlines. This and more you will have the opportunity to rehearse during the course.
The course consists of 3 intensive day sessions during the spring semester (2015). The language of the course depends on the wishes of the participants (max 8-10). Students will get 2 study points (1 participation in all course days, 1 completion of the public outreach project). After the course you will be better prepared for communicating your research to the general public. The course is aimed at PhD students, post-doctoral students, and other students and researchers interested in public outreach and sleep research (as well as related areas). The course will be held at Biomedicum, Meilahti campus. Register for the course by mailing the responsible person, Henna-Kaisa Wigren, PhD ( by 30.11.
Day 1: Lectures and discussions
1. Tarja Stenberg (P.I, of the Sleep team Helsinki, with a long experience of public outreach): How to prepare and give an effective public presentation
2. Päivi Lehtinen (University of Helsinki, Meilahti campus public relations officer): How to interact with the media and organize public outreach events
3. General discussion, case studies of previous experiences, selection of your own public outreach project (lecture, poster, article, blog… etc.)
Day 2: Training day: presenting your own public outreach project and commenting and discussing the projects of others
During this day everyone presents their own project and comments and gets comments from other participants
Day 3: Presentation of the projects at the Sleep Research Society of Finland training day 6.3. (or other such as the International Brain Awareness Week (aivoviikko), and participating in the interactive lecture organized by Stella Polaris Improvisation theare.*
*6.3.2015 Interactive session with Stella Polaris to learn about communication and effective presentations (open to all SUS members)

Kuinka järjestys lääkkeitä verkossa edullisin hinnoin? Eräs äskettäin tutkimus osoitti, että impotenssi vaikuttaa 140 miljoonaan mieheen koko maailmassa. Jos aiot tilata Viagra, luultavasti haluaisit lukea lisää “miten Viagra tyota“. Tänään on erilaisia ​​vaihtoehtoja niille, jotka kärsivät erektiohäiriöstä. Tiedätkö mitä Viagra on? Se voi olla, että tiedät “kuinka kauan viagra viime”. Toinen kohta, joista aiomme keskustella on “”. Jotkut masennuksen hoitoon tarkoitetuista lääkkeistä voida myös tukahduttaa sukupuolen ajaasi ja ne voivat peruste viivästymisen orgasmin aikana. Pitkä luettelo reseptilääkkeistä voi johtaa tähän ongelmaan. Kuitenkin vain sukupuoloterapeutti voi päättää, onko Viagra tai muu lääkitys oikea sinulle.